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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"Home" away from Home

Well, it looks like we are heading back to (what feels like) Clark's second home in the morning. We talked our good friends at the UNC Children's hospital and they are requesting our presence for an Upper GI tomorrow morning at 9:30. We aren't exactly sure what's going on, but she has had increasing trouble with her feedings over the past several days and for the past couple days, we have only been able to get her feed in through her g-tube. This could mean nothing or could mean something, such as an esophogeal stricture that sometimes occurs in kids who have had an EA/TEF repair. This basically means the esophogus scar tissue may be closing up and blocking (either partially or fully) anything that she is taking by mouth. We will just have to see what the GI study shows us in the morning. In the meantime, we are off to pack the "just in case" bag (learned that lesson a couple clinic visits ago~ you ALWAYS take a bag) and packing the girls for "just in case" overnight stays, as well. Not exactly what we had on our to-do list earlier this week, but the timing could definitely be worse. The hope is we will be back in plenty of time to spend New Years' Eve with some of our good friends and to start 2012 together, as a family, at HOME (the real one!)

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about you guys today. We were at our second home yesterday, Duke for an appointment for Jeff and an appointment for me. Praying that all goes well and you don't have to stay long.
